Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cleaning a virus manually

To get rid of a virus manually you will need a little knowledge on command line instructions/cmd..

  1. Get a hijackthis program from
  2. select "Do a system scan only". Here you will see those processes that run on startup and those that were added to the registry.
  3. Next, know those annoying filenames of .exe that triggers the virus' actions. These are considered or often found at the startup. Viruses evolve but their filenames are all the same.
  4. if you can access the task manager, end task all processes that are connected to the virus. If not, use the process manager in the hijackthis.Do the same,kill those processes that are connected to the virus.
  5. Open the cmd.exe. Here manually delete the executable files that will run on startup. To find it easier to delet, try searching all filenames that you wish to delete. Those files that should not be on that path will be deleted.
  6. Restart and repeat step 4 if not resolved.
Just don't worry as computers can still be repaired. Just don't delete the system files...

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